Impressions from India

Impressions from India

First time as we arrive in Kalkutta, my first thougth was: “what a huge sauna”, temperature at 28° and a humidity at ca. 80%. Now we had to wait for 7 or 8 hours for our domestic flight to Bhubaneshwar. The time we spend with talking and trinking tea… as we arrived in Bhubaneshwar one guy from the university tooks us up. From airport we drove to the hotel to fresh us up and change clothes. After that we drove to university to met the vice chancellor and some other professors. This takes about an hour or something like that. After that we met the students of the exchange program and started the Java courses. At lunch we was at the dining house of the university. What was not much more, then an dump, what is much different from so called “mensa” on german universities. In the evening we fall early in our bets because of the jet-lag.

Next days every day we started at 9 o`clock with the Java training. For me one of the experience I’ve made, is that the indian, learning behaviour is much different from the german once. In germany its most of the time not only memorizing, its more like learning by doing. In india it seems to be more memorizing all the stuff, so the programming paradigms are all present, but it is hard to the students to transfer them into a programming language like Java.

In the evenings we went for some tourist stuff like shopping or visiting some of the nice temples which can be found in Bhukaneshwar. This are very impressive but unlikely the biggest one can only be entered as Hindu.

During our stay in India the chancellor and headmaster of university of Siegen arrived in India, so we had some meetings with all the three partners (University of Siegen, Brockhaus GmbH and University of Bhoukaneshwar).

At least it has to be said that, the stay in India was a nice and interesting trip and after all we successfully finished our work. For me it is sure, that I will be back in later times.

At Saturday (02.08) my flied returned to Germany and I successfully (but tired) arrived in Mannheim on 03.08 at the morning.